The secret of time travel: change your past without travelling back in time.

According to Transsurfing, it is possible to switch to a different timeline through our spine and visualisation. However, similar to Reality Creation, it is one’s perception and one’s own energy that is changed here, not the past itself. Imagine a film on a screen. A single image on the film roll cannot be moved, and it is impossible to return to a past scene. You cannot jump forward or backward on the timeline itself. Switching to a different lifeline is not a problem according to Transsurfing. It all sounds a bit complicated, I know, but basically it’s about gliding onto a parallel lifeline. In Transsurfing volume three, there is a special technique that helps you move forward and backward on a lifeline. Once you have learned this method, your life will become a real pleasure, a life full of magic and wonder.

Wormholes as time machines

Wormholes are hypothetical objects discussed in physics and astronomy. They are also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges. A wormhole consists of two ends connected by a tunnel. It is like a tunnel through space and time. By going through one end of the wormhole, you can instantly reach the other end without travelling the distance in between.

Time travel and wormholes fascinate the human imagination and are popular topics in science fiction. The idea of travelling through time and exploring the past or the future is a powerful one. Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity discusses the possibility of wormholes. A wormhole is a hypothetical connection between two points in space that could provide a shortcut through the space-time continuum. If it were possible to find and stabilise a wormhole, it would theoretically be possible to travel through it and arrive in a different time.

However, the hurdles for actual time travel and the use of wormholes are immense. It requires enormous amounts of energy and technology that we do not yet possess. Furthermore, many questions remain unanswered: How could we control the time travel? What impact would it have on the past or the future? Could we end up in parallel universes or endanger our own existence?

Research into time travel and wormholes continues to be the subject of intense scientific study and speculation. While we are still far from building a working time machine or discovering a stable wormhole, these concepts capture our imagination and open up possibilities for exciting stories and thought experiments about the nature of time and the boundaries of our world.’

Wormholes could potentially serve as a form of time machine. If a wormhole exists, you could theoretically travel from one end to the other and go back in time. Travel to other galaxies or even other universes could be possible through wormholes as well. However, there are many theories about how this could work, and a lot of research is still needed to confirm these theories.



Transurfing is a powerful reality management tool

Once you start using it, your life begins to change according to YOUR desire. With Transurfing, goals are not so much achieved as they come true by themselves. This may sound incredible at first, but only on first reading.

The ideas presented in the book have already been proven in practice. People who have tried Transurfing report surprising changes – the reality of the Transurfer changes in an inexplicable way right before his eyes.

What is this book about?

Transurfing is the art of controlling reality through the power of our freedom of choice. The world always reflects our own perception. Everyone can choose a particular variant of reality – and thus find themselves in the circumstances they desire.

To learn this, you need:

  • a close connection between soul and mind,
  • a clear intention,
  • and the ability to recognise and avoid destructive ‘pendulum systems’.

Why should you read this book?

Most readers report that ‘Transurfing’ completely changes their view of the world and their role in life from the very first pages.

A fresh look at reality encourages readers to be more conscious of their decisions – and this often has a direct impact on their lives.

The most common feedback is: ‘It works!’

Who is this book for?

This book inspires both young and middle-aged readers – especially those who are interested in a mixture of philosophy, psychology, physics and the secrets of human consciousness.

Buy now


Time travel through lucid dreams

Time travel and lucid dreams are two fascinating concepts that are often linked. While time travel in the physical world remains a challenge, lucid dreams offer an alternative way to dive into the depths of our own imagination and, in a sense, experience time travel.

Lucid dreams are dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming. This extraordinary ability allows you to take control of the dream and make conscious decisions. In a lucid dream, you can consciously travel into the past, explore the present, or even venture into the future.

During a lucid dream, time can be a fascinating element. You can consciously choose a specific time period in which to experience your dream. You can witness historical events, awaken long-forgotten memories or immerse yourself in fantasy worlds full of visions of the future.

The connection between time travel and lucid dreaming lies in the ability to use our imagination to transcend the boundaries of time and space. In the state of lucid dreaming, we are the creators of our own reality and can shape our dream experiences as we wish. We can consciously choose to travel through time and experience our own adventures.

Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s future attractions. – Albert Einstein

Conclusion – change your past without time travel

Physical time travel is not possible at the moment, and I don’t think it will be possible for the next 200 years. However, there are certain techniques such as lucid dreaming, cognitive dreaming, astral travel and visualisation that make it possible to switch to a parallel life line in which you have experienced a different past and will therefore experience a different future. This is exactly what the books by Transurfing and Reality Creation are about. With numerous techniques, you can literally change your reality and achieve the desired result. The advantage of all these techniques is that you develop a positive attitude towards your past and can therefore process things more easily or even let them go. For the future, you can create what you have in mind, you are practically creating your desired life line.


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