Transsurfing – an unusual way to change your reality

Find out in this article how you can change your reality with transsurfing. Transsurfing is an extremely powerful method developed by the Russian bestselling author Vadim Zeland. He has since expanded the Transsurfing series. There are now five volumes of practical workbooks in total, which have sold millions of copies. The books are a little difficult to read as they have been translated from Russian into German, but I guarantee that they are well worth a look.

The technique of transsurfing is about not focusing on a goal, but letting it go and forgetting the desire so that it can be fulfilled. Although it is recommended to work with the imagination, never under pressure, but simply because it is fun to connect with what you want. The result of transsurfing is that you get what you have detached yourself from. At first it may sound absurd to simply give up and let go of the desire you’ve had for years, but that’s exactly how transsurfing works.




A trip into the realm of dreams

Dreams show us what could be possible in the future. They are messages from our subconscious in encrypted form. According to Transsurfing, however, they are also parallel lifelines that we can switch to. The author clearly distances himself from lucid dreams, as these can even be dangerous. Dreams are not fantasies, but possibilities and images of another life. In a dream, anything is possible because the mind is aware that it is a dream. According to Transsurfing, the physical body can even remain behind.

Lucid or semi-lucid dreams are not entirely harmless, but in my opinion the author is exaggerating a little here. I find it exciting to interpret dreams, as our subconscious talks to us and often provides us with new impulses. But both in dreams and in reality, we have to wake up in order to bring the external intention under our control.



Reality with its two sides

The world is like a gigantic dual mirror. On one side is the material reality in which we live. On the other side is the variant space or quantum field. Everything that was and what could be is already recorded there. Dreams, inspirations and visions come to us from there. We often consider the physically tangible reality to be the only true reality, but we only need to wake up in the mirror dream to experience incredible things.

According to Transsurfing, there are two faces of reality: the visible and the invisible. We can influence reality through our imagination and our thinking and thus manifest a different reality. One problem with clairvoyance is that it is often based on variants, i.e. lifelines that will never manifest themselves. They are therefore possibilities in the space of variants that could be. The future is not known to anyone and therefore we can shape it ourselves. You are able to change your reality if you follow certain rules – the rules of transsurfing. Transsurfing teaches us to dream with our eyes open and to experience reality as if we were in a dream.


Outer Intention in Transurfing

Outer Intention enables the realization of Inner Intention by projecting the energy of Inner Intention onto the external world. Determination arises from the free energy of intention. However, if we hold on too tightly to a desire, it may not manifest or may even create an uneasy feeling. Extreme determination, such as “I absolutely must have this and will do whatever it takes to get it,” is not always the best way to achieve a goal.

There are three types of desires. In the first case, we let go of the desire by focusing on other things, and then it manifests seemingly magically. In the second case, we fight persistently to achieve our desire, and it eventually comes true. The third type is the trickiest, where we become dependent on external fulfillment—whether through success, money, or a person. We believe we can only be happy once we achieve these things, making our happiness dependent on them. Free desires, where we are not overly attached to the outcome, almost always come true.

Intention is the union of desire and action. When we act on our own power, we speak of Inner Intention. Outer Intention is often associated with magic or the paranormal because it appears as if things manifest effortlessly. However, Outer Intention is simply the choice of a particular life path. Inner Intention tries to influence external circumstances, whereas Outer Intention manifests the desire on a different life track. When we act with Inner Intention, we try to force our way through obstacles. With Outer Intention, the goal manifests almost effortlessly. Transurfing describes it like this: If you fight for a place in the sun, the world will welcome you with open arms. If you try to break down a closed door, it will open by itself.

Outer Intention is the determination to have.

Inner Intention is the determination to act.

Outer Intention is the technique of Transurfing.

What is Freiling?

Freiling is a new technique for influencing people in a completely different way than you might expect. There is no need to apply pressure or force anything. Instead, Transurfing suggests letting go, allowing the goal to come to you naturally, and even detaching from it so that it manifests on its own. When you do this, people will naturally develop a sense of affinity towards you, and the world will respond favorably. In simple terms, Freiling is about approaching others first so that they naturally align with your needs and goals.

Coordination Toward a Goal

To achieve your goals, you don’t necessarily need to be strong or ego-driven. There is a far more effective alternative: coordination is a simple method that enables you to think and act in a way that luck is always on your side. Once you master this technique, life becomes effortless, and you will receive what you expect from life.

The key is not to become dependent on external circumstances and factors, but to remain in a relaxed state so that you are not affected by external influences. Transurfing refers to adversities and negative events as “pendulums”, which distract and influence us. Simply follow your own path calmly and clearly define what you want.

You don’t need unshakable faith, endless prayers, or constant affirmations. What you need is coordination toward a goal. Enjoy the journey toward your goal and choose your own script. When you believe in something, there will always be doubts. Replace belief with inner certainty—the knowing that it already belongs to you.

Full coordination is achieved when the soul and mind align. There is no resistance, no doubt, no guilt—only the harmony of consciousness and the subconscious. Constantly repeating affirmations often has the opposite effect, as doubt cannot be eliminated this way. Forget the word “belief.” Belief alone does not bring results. It may provide hope and motivation, but it always leaves room for doubt. Instead, replace belief with the determination to already have what you desire.

Focus on your goal as if you have already achieved it.

Choose Your Own Script

According to Transurfing, there are multiple parallel realities or life tracks—one where what you desire already exists, and another where you remain in your current situation. There are countless versions of you. You cannot change your script, but you can shift to another life track.

Of course, this is not easy. First, you must choose the life track you want and then attune yourself to it. You have complete freedom in selecting your script. However, choosing is not the same as wishing. Wishes do not come true. Except in fairy tales, like Aladdin and the magic lamp. Wanting always remains wanting, and wishing always remains wishing.

A good example is that you manifest what you focus on. The more attention you give to something, the faster it materializes.

Using Imagination

Transurfing takes a rather skeptical view of imagination, as these mental images usually do not manifest. The reason for this is simple: we see them as an outside observer. We imagine the dream house, the ideal partner, or the vacation by the sea and feel a sense of longing. However, this separates us from our desires rather than bringing them closer.

Instead, imagine yourself already living in that house—see yourself preparing meals in the kitchen, decorating your home, or planning a vacation with your partner. Immerse yourself in this visualization and engage all five senses. Picture this scene over and over again, as often as possible.

The 3 Ways to Visualize Your Goal

1️⃣ The Daydreamer’s Perspective

  • This is when people get lost in daydreams without taking action. These visualizations rarely manifest because they remain fleeting fantasies.

2️⃣ The Observer’s Perspective

  • In this case, you see your dream life like a movie on a screen.
  • The problem? You are still separate from your goal. You may visualize what you want, but you haven’t clearly defined it as yours. It remains a vision, like looking at something in a store window—close but unreachable.

3️⃣ The Owner’s Perspective

  • In this approach, you fully step into your desired reality.
  • You become the person who already owns the house, the business, the relationship.
  • You walk through your home, light the fireplace, or sit on your veranda. You hear the birds singing in your garden.
  • Do you notice the shift? Here, you engage all your senses, making the experience as real as possible.

Conclusion – How to Change Your Reality with Transurfing

Changing reality with Transurfing is a lifelong process. At its core, Transurfing teaches the power of letting go so that desires can manifest.

As paradoxical as it may sound, desires that mean little to us often manifest more quickly. This is because there is no resistance, no desperation, no attachment—only flow.

Outer Intention is the driving force behind Transurfing, as it simply states:
You have already decided that the desired reality is yours.


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