Find out in this article how to use the pendulum as an oracle. The pendulum is one of the oldest esoteric tools for divination and self-discovery. For centuries, people have used it to get answers to personal questions and to get in touch with their subconscious. But how exactly does the pendulum work, and how can you use it properly?
Many believe that the pendulum acts as a conduit between the conscious and subconscious mind. It can help bring forth information from within that would otherwise remain hidden. Scientists often explain the phenomenon of the pendulum as ideomotor phenomena – unconscious muscle movements controlled by thoughts and expectations. Whether you see the pendulum as a spiritual tool or a method of self-reflection, it remains an exciting and fascinating way to gain deeper insights into your own life. You will learn everything you need to know about the pendulum as an oracle, its history, possible applications and the right questioning technique so that you can use it to its full potential.
The history of dowsing
The art of dowsing has a long tradition and can be found in numerous cultures worldwide. As early as ancient times, the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used various forms of dowsing to find water sources, receive spiritual messages or predict future events. Archaeological finds suggest that in Egypt, priests and high priests used pendulum-like tools to communicate with higher powers and obtain answers to important questions.
In the Middle Ages, the pendulum was used primarily by healers, alchemists and fortune tellers. It served as an aid to diagnose illnesses, track down lost objects or obtain answers to existential questions. During this time, however, dowsing was often considered a magical or even heretical practice, which is why it was viewed critically by the church.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, radiesthesia gained popularity again, especially among scholars and researchers who studied the phenomenon. One of the most famous pendulum users of this time was the French abbot Mermet, who studied the art of dowsing intensively and strongly influenced modern radiesthesia through his experiments and documentation.
Today, the pendulum is used in esotericism as well as in personal development and spiritual practice. Many people use it to access their own subconscious, gain clarity in difficult life situations or even detect and release energetic blockages. The connection between science, psychology and esotericism makes the pendulum a unique tool that continues to fascinate and inspire people around the world.
How does the pendulum work?
The pendulum is a small weight attached to a chain or string. Its movement is not controlled by an external force, but by unconscious muscle reactions of the body. These fine movements are in turn influenced by our subconscious, which may contain deeper insights and hidden knowledge that are often not accessible to the conscious mind.
An interesting aspect of pendulum movement is the so-called ideomotor effect. These are minimal, unconscious muscle impulses that are triggered by thoughts, feelings or expectations. These impulses cause the pendulum to oscillate, resulting in patterns that can be interpreted as answers to questions asked.
Another concept that can play a role in dowsing is the morphogenetic field. According to this theory, all living things and thoughts are connected, and the pendulum can serve as a tool to access this collective wisdom. Although there is no scientific evidence for this concept, many people report impressive experiences and accurate answers when using the pendulum.
The pendulum movements can be divided into different categories:
- Clockwise circular motion: Often interpreted as ‘yes’.
- Anti-clockwise circular motion: Can be interpreted as ‘no’ or as an indication of energetic blockages.
- Back-and-forth swinging (vertical or horizontal): Some interpret this as ‘maybe’ or as a sign of an unclear answer.
- Irregular movements or a standstill: This can indicate that the question is unclear or that the person asking the question is in an energetically inconsistent state.
Those who work with the pendulum regularly can interpret the movement patterns individually and develop their own symbolism over time. It is important to approach dowsing with an open but neutral mind to avoid unconscious influences from wishful thinking.
Choosing the right pendulum
Choosing the right pendulum is a crucial step in establishing reliable answers and a good connection to your own subconscious. Pendulums are available in many different materials, shapes and sizes, each with their own special features and energetic properties.
Material of the pendulum
- Gemstone pendulums: Particularly popular because they are said to be associated with certain energies. Rose quartz, for example, is used for love matters, while amethyst can promote clarity and spiritual insight.
- Metal pendulums: Usually made of brass, copper or silver, they are considered to be particularly neutral in their vibration. They are well suited for precise answers and analytical questions.
- Wooden pendulums: Often preferred by people who work with natural energies or are sensitive to metallic vibrations.
- Glass and crystal pendulums: These can produce particularly pure and clear vibrations and are often used in spiritual work.
Shape of the pendulum
The shape of the pendulum can also play a role, depending on what it is used for:
- Drop-shaped pendulums: Very popular and versatile because they allow for smooth, even movements.
- Spherical pendulums: Generate gentle, flowing movements and are ideal for general questions.
- Cone-shaped pendulums: Have a pointed shape and are often used for detailed and precise analyses.
- Egyptian pendulums: These special pendulum shapes, such as the Isis or Osiris pendulum, are often used for energetic work and healing.
Length and weight of the pendulum
- The chain or cord should be between 10 and 20 cm long to allow the pendulum to swing easily and smoothly.
- A pendulum that is too light could react too sensitively to drafts or unconscious movements, while one that is too heavy could be sluggish and less responsive. Therefore, a medium weight (5–20 grams) is optimal.
How do I find my personal pendulum?
Every person has their own energetic signature, and not every pendulum is suitable for every user. Therefore, it is important to listen to your own intuition when buying or choosing a pendulum. The following methods can help:
- Hold the pendulum in your hand: Feel whether it feels comfortable or whether you feel a certain connection.
- Ask a test question: If possible, hold the pendulum and ask a simple question to which you already know the answer to see if it reacts correctly.
- Visual Attraction: Often, we are drawn to the right pendulum by its colour or shape.
A well-chosen pendulum can be a valuable aid in spiritual practice. It is worth taking your time, thinking carefully and trusting your intuition to find the perfect pendulum for you.
Preparing for the pendulum
Before using your pendulum, you should relax and get into a meditative state. A calm atmosphere helps you to establish a stronger connection with your subconscious mind and receive clear answers. Here are some important steps to prepare:
- Choose a place: Find a quiet, distraction-free place where you can do your pendulum reading undisturbed. A relaxed environment without distractions is crucial.
- Breathing and focus: Take deep breaths in and out to calm your mind. Close your eyes for a few moments and focus on your inner voice.
- Clearing energy: Energetically cleanse your pendulum to remove any outside energies. This can be done by briefly rinsing it with clear water, burning sage, or placing it in a bowl of salt.
- Hand position: Hold the pendulum loosely between your thumb and index finger so that it can swing freely. Try to keep your hand still and not consciously create any movement.
- Determining signals: Ask your pendulum what movements represent ‘yes,’ ‘no,’ and ‘maybe.’ Keep the pendulum still and ask simple questions to find out how it reacts for you (e.g. ‘Show me a “yes”’).
- Attitude: Approach the session with an open mind. Avoid expecting a specific answer, as this could influence the movement of the pendulum.
- Formulate clear questions: Ask precise, unambiguous questions that can be answered with a yes or no. This makes it easier to interpret the answers.
If you follow these steps, you will develop a better feel for your pendulum over time and get more precise results. Practising regularly will help to further strengthen the connection to your subconscious.

The right questioning technique when pendulum divining
To get clear and meaningful answers, it is important to formulate your questions precisely, unambiguously and deliberately. The pendulum usually answers with ‘yes’, ‘no’ or ‘maybe’, so closed questions are best for a reliable interpretation.
Basic principles for effective questions
- Yes/no questions are preferred: The pendulum responds best to simple yes/no questions. Open-ended questions that require detailed answers are more difficult to interpret.
- Formulate positively: Ask your questions in the affirmative to avoid misunderstandings. For example, avoid questions like ‘Should I not do this?’ because the pendulum could send confusing signals in response.
- Focus on one topic: Ask questions specifically about a particular area to avoid contradictory or unclear answers.
- Remain neutral: Approach the pendulum with an open mind and do not try to influence the answer consciously or unconsciously.
- Ask one question per session: To get clear answers, each question should be asked individually and in succession. Asking too many questions at once can distort the results.
Examples of effective questions
- ‘Is it beneficial for me to take this job?’
- ‘Will meeting person X have a positive effect on me?’
- ‘Should I be focusing on a new career direction in the near future?’
- ‘Is this apartment right for me?’
- ‘Will I experience a significant change in the coming months?’
Practising with different questions will help you develop a better sense of the pendulum and get more precise answers.
Limits and risks of dowsing
Even though the pendulum serves as a valuable oracle, it has its limitations and should be used wisely. Some aspects to keep in mind:
- Self-fulfilling prophecies: If you already have a strong expectation, your subconscious mind can unconsciously influence the movement of the pendulum.
- Emotional influences: Strong emotions such as fear, hope or insecurity can distort the pendulum response. It is important to centre yourself emotionally before a session.
- Not suitable for medical diagnoses or legal matters: The pendulum cannot replace professional diagnoses or decisions in legal or financial matters. You should seek expert advice here.
- Clarity about the source of the answers: The movements of the pendulum reflect your subconscious, but there is no scientific evidence that higher powers or external forces are involved. This should always be kept in mind.
The pendulum as a tool for self-reflection
Besides divination, the pendulum can also be used as a valuable tool for self-reflection and personal development. It can help you:
- recognise unconscious blocks: The pendulum can alert you to inner resistance or insecurities.
- strengthen your intuition: Working with the pendulum regularly can increase your trust in your gut feeling and your inner voice.
- Uncovering hidden beliefs: It can help to uncover negative thought patterns that may be influencing you unconsciously.
- Understanding and dealing with deep-seated fears: By asking specific questions about fears or insecurities, you can learn to deal with them better.
Keeping a diary with the pendulum
A helpful approach is to use the pendulum in conjunction with a diary. Write down your questions and the answers you receive, and reflect later on whether the answers were coherent or whether they have brought new insights. By taking regular notes, you can recognise patterns and better assess the reliability of your pendulum sessions.

Conclusion: How to use the pendulum as an oracle
The pendulum is a tool that can help you to receive answers from your subconscious and sharpen your intuition. To use it effectively, an open, neutral attitude is crucial. Only by working with an open mind and in a concentrated way can you receive precise and meaningful answers. You should also be prepared to accept that the pendulum primarily serves as a mirror of your inner consciousness. Used with respect and mindfulness, it can provide you with deeper insights into your life and make valuable decisions easier. Regular practice and the right questioning technique will help you to develop your pendulum skills and obtain more reliable results.