How to train your thoughts to change your reality

Find out in this article how you can change reality with your thoughts. When you pay attention to where you focus your attention, the law of attraction begins to work for you. Only those thoughts that are thought over and over again and trigger strong feelings in you have the power to manifest. All of life’s circumstances have been created by you through your thoughts. When you think about what you want, talk about it or visualize it, you attract similar thoughts. Thoughts that evoke strong emotions therefore manifest relatively quickly. However, constant mind control is not easy with about 60,000 thoughts a day. It’s easier if you pay attention to your feelings. If you feel good now, it is a sign that you have mostly positive thoughts. The same applies to negative emotions that arise from bad thoughts. A thought is the stuff that matter is made of, and the law of attraction responds to all thoughts.

If we consciously pay attention to our feelings, it will not be necessary to control every thought. It is not possible to think negatively and feel positive at the same time, as it contradicts the law. Our present thoughts pave the way to our future. So the future has already been formed and created in our thoughts. So if we think about wealth, we attract wealth; thoughts of vitality and health produce good health; this can be continued at will. We lay the foundation for our future in the present. You have to find a way to create feelings of happiness within you without making yourself dependent on external factors. Your thoughts must be clearly focused on a desire in order to realize it.


How our thoughts create reality

We ourselves create our circumstances through our thoughts. But most of the thoughts we harbor are fleeting thoughts that come and go. They are thoughts that we do not focus on long enough. Words, thoughts and feelings create our lives. Thoughts consist of energy and thus have a magnetic attraction.

We attract what we constantly think about.

To allow a thought means to feel it. The feeling becomes reality, not just the thought alone. In the realm of thought, the impossible becomes possible. Just because we can imagine it, it can also come true. However, we are often told that it is mere fantasy and dreaming. So we begin to doubt. But imagination is more than mere fantasy; it can reveal a great deal about ourselves and often seems just as real as the things around us. What we focus our attention on, what we think and feel over and over again, takes shape. Good and loving thoughts always reach those to whom we direct them, and the same applies to destructive thoughts. Our thoughts grow like a seed that we sow. It takes a while for it to take root and then bear fruit. But if we repeat it often enough, it can unfold.


The power of our subconscious

Regularly focusing on your wish when you wake up is most powerful because your subconscious is particularly active then. Feel the thought as clearly as possible, perceive it with all five senses. The mind creates the images of our ideas with absolute precision. What we can imagine in sufficient detail must be found with absolute accuracy in our outside world, provided that we do not let ourselves be guided by doubts again and wrestled away from them. Our subconscious not only controls heartbeat and other important functions of the organs, it also reacts to suggestion. It obeys our commands in the form of thoughts and mental images. With its help, it is possible to achieve many things that previously seemed much more difficult with the conscious mind. It is important to be fully convinced and not to let anything stop you. Happiness does not come about by chance, but through actions and our own decisions. People who succeed do not talk about bad luck or bad circumstances; they focus on realizing their vision. They believe in their own ideals. Expecting our dreams to come true is one of the most powerful forces.

Imagine the desired in your mind

The scriptures say everything is possible for him who believes, so that’s the key to making dreams come true. Believe in the best for yourself in every situation, just like all successful men and women do. They expect the best and get it. They had a clear and definite idea of what they wanted to achieve. Spend as much time as possible with your goals and work towards them. You create in your mind all that surrounds you. Through the mind you can realize what you aspire to. Consciousness is the creative force in us, the architect or designer of life is yourself.

Everything had to be conceived and created in the human mind before it could manifest in the outside world. Imagining what you want in your mind is the easiest way to change something. Thoughts and imagination are among the most powerful forces in the universe. Your inner being is creative and external circumstances are merely the effect. Success depends on our way of thinking, on our belief in our vision. But the power of imagination is often underestimated. What we believe comes true. Every thought can manifest itself, whether it is good or bad, what we think constantly is reflected in our lives. Harmonious thoughts create harmonious circumstances.




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Conclusion – How you can change reality with your thoughts

The question of whether our thoughts can really create reality is one that concerns many people. There are different views and interpretations on this topic. Some firmly believe that our thoughts have a direct effect on our reality and that we can manifest our desires through positive thinking and visualization. They argue that our consciousness and thought energy have a creative power that can influence our circumstances and events.

On the other hand, there are also skeptics who argue that our thoughts alone are not enough to create reality. They emphasize the importance of actions, external circumstances and coincidences, which also play a role.

It is important to note that there is no clear scientific evidence for the direct manifestation of thoughts. Nevertheless, positive thoughts and an optimistic attitude can help us feel better, be more open to opportunities and motivate us to actively work towards our goals. So our thoughts indirectly influence our perception and behavior, which in turn can have an impact on our reality.

Ultimately, the question of whether our thoughts create reality is a matter of personal belief. It can be helpful to develop positive thought patterns, but it is also important to look at reality objectively and take action to achieve our goals. A balanced approach that takes into account both the influence of our thoughts and external factors can help us to lead a fulfilled and satisfying life.

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