What role do secret societies still play in the 21st century?

Secret societies: a conspiratorial community that operates in secret, keeps its goals and activities secret and is often shrouded in myths and legends. But what role do secret societies still play today? Are they just a relic from times gone by or do they still have an influence on politics, business and society? In this blog article, we explore this question and shed light on the various aspects of secret societies in the 21st century.

The power of secret societies today is relatively unspectacular. People are no longer as superstitious and open to mystical ideas as they were in the 17th century. Nevertheless, there are still influential secret societies in the 21st century. What do you think of when you think of secret societies? Conspiracies, an elite group that has knowledge that is not accessible to normal people or rituals behind closed doors. Even today, there are still secret societies that evoke precisely these thoughts in many people. The three best known are the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and Knights Templar.



The Knights Templar

the medieval order was founded by Hugo de Paynes in Jerusalem in 1119. When it was founded, the order consisted of nine knights. The aim of the order was to protect pilgrims on crusades. However, the Knights Templar became powerful and influential, incurring the wrath of the French king. They owned numerous estates, treasures and lands and were the first moneylenders. 1307 was a fateful year for the Knights Templar: on a Friday the 13th, King Phillip IV had all the Knights Templar in France arrested. The charge was heresy and idolatry. Under torture, many Knights Templar confessed to the charges. They were sentenced to spend the rest of their lives in prison. Other Knights Templar managed to escape to North America. According to legend, the Knights Templar guarded a treasure under the Temple Mount, but it is not known whether this was the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail.



Masonic Principles

The five fundamental principles on which Freemasonry is based to this day are Brotherhood, Benevolence, Liberty, Equality, and Tolerance. Freemasons uphold the principles of fraternal love, tolerance, and the shared pursuit of higher goals. Even today, Freemasons remain among themselves and live by these core principles. However, they are often associated with conspiracies. One of the most debated symbols is the Eye of Providence on the U.S. one-dollar bill, which many believe signifies Freemasonic influence.

Freemasons are committed to secrecy regarding their rituals and traditions, ensuring that nothing happening within the lodges is disclosed to outsiders. The ultimate goal of Freemasonry is to apply these principles in everyday life.

Below are the five core pillars of Freemasonry:

1️⃣ Liberty → Achieved through freedom from oppression and exploitation, serving as a foundation for intellectual freedom and individual fulfillment.

2️⃣ Equality → Ensures equal rights for all individuals, regardless of class distinctions, and guarantees equality before the law.

3️⃣ Brotherhood → Embodied through security, trust, care, shared responsibility, and mutual understanding.

4️⃣ Tolerance → Practiced through active listening, respect, and understanding of different perspectives.

5️⃣ Humanity → Represents the sum of all four previous pillars and is symbolized by the “Temple of Humanity”, which Freemasons metaphorically strive to build.

(Source: Freemasons on Wikipedia)

The History of Freemasonry

The history of Freemasonry dates back long before the medieval stonemason guilds. According to legend, its origins can be traced to Ancient Egypt and Rosicrucianism. Others believe that the first Freemasons emerged from the Knights Templar. However, it is historically certain that modern Freemasonry evolved from the medieval stonemasons.

Becoming a Freemason was not a simple process. Membership required a recommendation from an existing member, and applicants had to be of legal age. Additionally, in the early days, only men were allowed to join the fraternity.

The first Freemasons gathered in taverns and inns, where they held their meetings in private rooms. The first Grand Lodge was founded in 1717 in an English tavern, where the members rented a separate space for their discussions. Some Masonic lodges still maintain this tradition today.

On December 6, 1737, the Grand Master of the Kingdom of Prussia founded the first Masonic lodge in Germany. Notable Freemasons of that era included Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

By 1920, the Freemasons in Germany alone had 85,000 members. However, under Nazi rule, Freemasonry was banned in Germany in 1935. Even during the time of East Germany (GDR), Freemasons faced significant challenges.

Today, however, Freemasonry in Germany is once again recognized as a humanitarian fraternity.

The Order of the Rosicrucians

The esoteric Order of the Rosicrucians played a significant role in the development of Freemasonry. The origins of both societies remain unclear, but within Freemasonry, there is a degree called the “Knight of the Rose Cross”, indicating that the two secret societies influenced and inspired each other.

The Rosicrucians first appeared publicly in 1614, though their order is said to have been founded in 1407 by Christian Rosenkreutz. Whether this monk ever truly existed is highly disputed, as is the claim that the Rosicrucians trace their origins to the lost civilization of Atlantis. What is certain, however, is that the Rosicrucians were deeply rooted in alchemical and occult philosophy.

The goal of the Rosicrucian Order was to preserve esoteric knowledge and pursue the creation of the Philosopher’s Stone. However, modern Rosicrucian societies have little in common with the historic Gold and Rosy Cross Order. Today, they focus more on Gnostic teachings than on the original Rosicrucian doctrines.

The Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (AMORC) considers itself a successor to the Rosicrucians. Their philosophy centers on the “work on the rough stone”, symbolizing self-improvement and personal development. A similar approach is taken by the A.O.R. (Ancient Order of the Rosy Cross), founded by Elias Rubinstein.

Although modern orders continue to reference Rosicrucian teachings, the original Rosicrucian Order disappeared by the late 17th century.

The Illuminati

No order is as shrouded in mystery and associated with conspiracy theories as the Illuminati. Founded by Adam Weishaupt around 1776, the order’s goal was to preserve secret knowledge. The order officially existed until its ban in 1785. However, numerous myths surround the secret existence of the Illuminati, who were said to control world events. Weishaupt saw a threat in the Rosicrucians and Jesuits and founded his Illuminati Society, which initially consisted of five students, for precisely this purpose. This order was committed to enlightenment; its goal was the perfection of the world and its members. Conclusion – The power of secret societies today is nowhere near as influential as it was in the High Middle Ages. Even though secret societies are less visible in public today than in the 16th and 17th centuries, their influence is still there. Conspiracies surround the New World Order, which is associated with the Freemasons. But the continued existence of the Illuminati also remains in the minds of many. These theories are difficult to verify; it’s not for nothing that we refer to them as secret societies. But at least a few books reveal what really goes on behind closed doors. Everything from magical rituals to idolatry and occult knowledge is included.

Conclusion – What role do secret societies still play today?

The power of secret societies is a topic that has fired people’s imagination for centuries. Conspiracy theorists believe that secret societies such as the Freemasons, Illuminati or Rosicrucians strive for world domination and control the fate of humanity behind the scenes. However, the reality is far less dramatic. Although secret societies have certainly had an influence on society in the past, their influence is much less pronounced today.

The Freemasons are the largest and best-known secret society in the world. They are dedicated to the ideal of brotherhood and enlightenment. Freemasons are generally respected personalities from the worlds of politics, business and culture. They meet in lodges to discuss current issues and support each other.

The Illuminati were a secret society founded in Germany in the 18th century. They wanted to promote the Enlightenment and create a better world. However, the Illuminati were persecuted and banned by the ruling elites.

The Rosicrucians are a secret society dedicated to the study of mysticism and alchemy. They believe that it is possible to understand and change the world if you know the secrets of nature.

Today, the Freemasons, Illuminati and Rosicrucians still have members, but their influence on society is minimal. They are not secret rulers of the world, but merely associations of people who have common interests and goals.

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